Boat booking details and Status

The Details tab is the main tab of a booking. The view is separated into blocks.

First Block: Connections and status.

  • Agency: If the booking comes from an agency. If it is your own, the agency will have the name of your company, and if it came through your web site it will have the name "Web Company Name".
  • Client: The client from the CRM. If it is an agency booking it is not mandatory, if it is direct you must fill it in.
  • Created: Creation date, Not editable.
  • Skipper: Link a skipper to the booking if needed. You must first create him/her in the Skipper CRM.

  • Provider: When the boat belongs to a third party. Learn more about how to create and link a provider to a boat in the  Providers CRM

  • Assigned to: Link the staff member responsible for the booking. See the staff output report later on our dashboards.

  • Office: Displayed only if you have more than one sales office configured. Assign this booking to one of your office's staff.

  • Advanced Payment : Upfront payment percentage to confirm the booking. Set up a default value for your bookings from  Preferences, you can always modify it here in the booking.

  • Pending to enjoy: If the booking is paused for reasons such as weather conditions and will need to be rescheduled, or change the boat, etc,  use this field and it will unblock the current date but holding all other information.


Booking Status:

  1. Option request. Temporary status for on-the.go bookings. It WILL NOT  block the boat's availability.

  2. Option. A customer has an option on the boat, the availability is reserved for a certain period with an expiration date pending the customer's payment.

  3. Prebooked. Partially paid booking. It is confirmed and awaiting the second or subsequent payments to be fully booked.

  4. Booked. 100% and ready to go booking..

  5. Cancelled. Manually cancelled booking..

  6. Closed.  Already enjoyed rental or activity.

The system will automatically change statuses if payments are correctly defined.

IMPORTANT: We have created a separate tutorial to explain the next section:  Booking documents.


The following Menu allows you to make editions of the ships, ports, schedules and prices of the reservation.

  • If the booking is in Pre-Booked or later status you will no longer be able to change the ship.

  • Additional Night: If for a booking of more than one day you allow the customer to stay on board overnight after the return date.

  • Cost: Applies if the boat is from an owner or a provider other than you. If you set up the cost in the boat file or if you have a contract created in the Boat owner's CRM, it will be pre-filled.

  • APA: This is an advance you pay to the crew for the cost of charter provisions, such as moorings, meals, etc. Very common in luxury yacht bookings.


Discounts: This tab will show you the automatically added discounts from your Discount Setups , AND allow you to create new discounts or even charges on-the-go.

What are those icons?

  • Visible: It will be shown separate from the booking price. If it is OFF it will still be applied to the booking price.

  • Enfoce: If applied, the discount total con exceed the maximum discount total.

  • Nested: If not selected, multiple discount will all apply to the base total. If selected the discount will apply to the new base price after other discounts have been already applied.


In this example we have two discounts of 10% on a booking of 648.30€.  The second discount is smaller (-58.35) because it applies to 90% of the reservation as the discounts are marked as nested. In addition, the amount of discount not applied is -45.38€ because there is a defined maximum of 12% and none of the discounts have the option to force the discount applied.

The following options: Extras, Agency Commission and Insurance, will show the system settings plus the customer's choices if the booking comes from the web. You will be able to edit them as you wish and the totals to be paid by the customer will be calculated:


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